Looking ahead to climate change and our use of native plants – what will our South Florida landscape look like in 2035? What should they look like? This panel session, with two leading scientists and the Garden’s own VP of Conservation, presents scientific data and ecologically-based guidelines that can help inform Florida native plant selection and use for landscapes that are resilient and do as much as possible to preserve Florida’s biodiversity and ecological functions. Our scientists will present data showing how the distribution of Florida native plant species is changing and what we can expect to see in coming years, based on an analysis of both historical data and models. Environmental restoration expert George Gann will discuss best practices based on the latest international guidelines for restoration. Chad Washburn will present how this information might be applied in the context of plant selections for a rapidly urbanizing region of Florida. Attendees will gain an appreciation for the science behind ecologically informed plant selection and how our plant choices will impact future sustainability.
Florida DBPR Board of Landscape Architecture (pending)
ISA Certified Arborist
FNGLA Certified Professional