Florida-Friendly Landscaping: Conserving Water, Building a Sustainable Future

Water is Florida’s lifeblood, but population growth puts it at risk. Here’s where the Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program (FFL) comes in! The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program (FFL) is here to help. For over 30 years, FFL has recognized landscapes that follow water-conserving principles. A new “Florida-Friendly Natural” level highlights landscapes with minimal irrigation, fertilization, pest control, and a 75% native plant requirement. This recognition promotes a shift towards more sustainable landscaping. But FFL goes beyond yards. Our Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) initiative empowers communities. Through GSI certification training, local governments learn best practices for managing systems like bioretention facilities and raingardens. These systems, primarily using native plants, not only manage stormwater runoff but also enhance ecosystems. Plant selection, placement, and maintenance are key, and the GSI Maintenance Certification provides all the tools for success. Let’s build a resilient future together! FFL equips Floridians with the knowledge and tools needed to create sustainable urban landscapes, safeguarding our precious water resources for generations to come.