Nick Ewy

Nick Ewy

Naples Botanical Garden Director of Collections

Born and raised in Ann Arbor, Michigan, he has been a plant grower, collector, and gardener since early childhood. Pursuing a long-standing interest in rare and tropical plants, including orchids, aroids, and epiphytes, he worked at a rare plant nursery throughout high school. Nick relocated to California so that he could grow these tropical plants outdoors and took a position at an upscale club and golf course. He then moved to Florida, where he was the Director of Horticulture for the American Orchid Society Botanical Garden and Lead Horticulturalist at the International Polo Club in Wellington. In 2013, he began working at Naples Botanical Garden as Associate Director of Horticulture and is now the Director of Collections. He is responsible for acquiring, managing, and maintaining a large and diverse collection of subtropical plants from around the world. Nick has a Botany and Plant Pathology from Michigan State University

After Hurricane Ian: Native Plant Performance


CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS (CEUs) Florida DBPR Board of Landscape Architecture 1 optional CE course # 0013825 ISA Certified Arborist FNGLA Certified Professional TOPICS COVERED Industry panel discussion of native plant performance after Hurricane Ian. The panel includes local experts who have had the opportunity to observe directly how native and other plants fared in landscaped […]

FNGLA certified professional ISA Cert Arborist LA CE credits Landscaping Plants